Other Important Links:
3rd-8th Home Base PowerSchool GradeBook Access
Parent/Caregiver Guide for English Language (EL) Development

Warrior Families:
We are excited to share that after careful consideration, our school will now be using a program to help organize the school dismissal process and improve safety. This program is a phone application downloaded onto your smart phone (found in the app store) and will allow you to notify the school of pick-up changes and authorize others to pick-up your child from school, alert you when your child has been picked up, as well as help organize the car line during pick-up. Using this program allows our school to do even more to help with social distancing.
The registration process is easy and we ask that all parents register with the phone application as soon as possible. Several resources are included below to help you understand how to use the application and assist you with this transition. Please make sure you register with your personal current mobile phone number or the app will not allow you to access your child’s information for security reasons.
If you do not think the school has your mobile number on file or if your child does not appear in your app’s home page, contact support@pikmykid.com mailto:support@pikmykid.com after registration, with your child’s name, school, grade, and updated contact information for you.
Anyone who will be picking up your child should also register themselves with the application. Their screen will be blank and they will not have any authorization until you allow it within the app.
Also, new car tags will be provided during open house or the first day of school. If there is a problem with using the app, our staff will log you into the system using your child’s number. Thank You for your cooperation!
Please note: If you want to know more, go to this link https://www.pikmykid.com/features/for-parents/.
Get Involved
Parent and Community Volunteers are vital to our success at New Dimensions: A Public Charter School. We are always looking for individuals who would like to dedicate his or her time to assist in various areas around our school. NDS offers frequent opportunities for parent involvement through Title 1 program presentations, open monthly Board meetings where students do presentations on what they are learning, quarterly Apples with Admin meetings to allow for school update information and questions from parents, monthly Parent Teacher Organization and Athletic Booster meetings, duty free lunch opportunities for our teachers, Grandparents Day, Thanksgiving lunch, Veterans Day programs, Christmas programs, Band/Chorus concerts, Drama presentations, Girl Scouts/Cub Scouts, club offerings, family movie nights, helping students during Warrior Time each morning, assisting the teacher with classroom preparation needs, etc.
New Dimensions encourages parent involvement and recognizes the Volunteer of the Month at the monthly Tribal Celebrations for the volunteer who has logged the most hours during the month. Our teachers and Administration invite families in at any time if they have questions, comments, or concerns as it is the desire that all students be successful in school and in life. It is the motto of New Dimensions, "At this school, every student will learn. Every kid, every day, no excuses."