NDS Mission Statement: At this school, we seek to nurture every student, every day to develop strong character, academic excellence, and good citizenship.

NDS Vision Statement: At this school, every child will learn. Every kid. Every day. No excuses.

OneSchoolOneBook- Final.mp4

Request for Proposal (RFP) and Catering Services Contract for the Federally-Assisted National School Lunch and/or Breakfast Program(s)

New Dimensions Charter School
550 Lenoir Road
Morganton, NC 28655

Date Issued: December 16, 2024-  Posted on December 16th, 2024 at 11:55am

Description: New Dimensions Charter School is seeking Caterers to provide lunch and /or breakfast meals for the 2024-2025 school year. We are currently soliciting competitive proposals and wish to invite your company to submit a proposal. The attached Request for Proposal (RFP) will also serve as the official Contract once the Contract is successfully executed. The RFP/Contract provides a detailed description of our lunch and/or breakfast program and services that we require, along with Contract terms and conditions, nutrition requirements and a sample four-week cycle menu. It is important to note the Caterer is responsible for any reclaims that may result from a Federal and/or State review resulting from inadequate portion sizes, missing meal components, missing or incomplete production records, standardized recipes, or the absence of any other supporting documentation required under program regulations. Therefore, it is critical that all meals provided include all meal components in the exact portion size. In the event of a reclaim, the School Food Authority (SFA) will present an invoice to the Caterer requiring payment for disallowed meals. Please note that if the Caterer adheres to the specific terms and conditions of the Contract, there is minimal risk of a reclaim. It is the responsibility of the SFA to monitor the contract to ensure the terms and conditions are adhered to by all parties (SFA and Caterer).

Date Proposal Closes: January 10, 2025

Time Proposal Closes: 3:00pm (EST)

Proposal Procedure

Submit each Proposal with original signatures and the complete RFP along with the accompanying proposal documents. The Caterer shall complete the attached Proposal/Contract document, indicating the proposed portion sizes and component contribution for each menu item, meeting the USDA meal pattern requirements, and indicating the price per meal.

Fill out and submit this Proposal to: lunch@ndschool.org

Proposal Documents

New Dimensions Public Charter School (2).mp4

2024-2025 Testing Schedule

NDS Testing Schedule 2024-2025

2023-2024 Read to Achieve Summary

New Dimensions 2023-2024 RtA
 I would like to begin by saying that my time at New Dimensions has been an absolute blessing to be a part of! All of the teachers and staff made me feel like I was part of the New Dimensions family! I fell in love with New Dimensions so much that I chose to stay there, all the way from kindergarten through eighth grade. Although, I must admit that it was really scary transferring from New Dimensions to Freedom High School. Everything was very different. Somehow I managed to make it through to my senior year of high school. I graduate this year and have been accepted to Gardner-Webb University. I plan to continue to pave my path until I reach my goal: to major in graphic design. ~Jacqueline Craig